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designing engagement with the Jewish state
Our Philosophy
Israel ArchiTexts believes that exploring Israel makes most sense when it also involves exploring oneself
Israel ArchiTexts understands Israel as the interplay of Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael and Torat Yisrael (Jewish peoplehood, the Land of Israel, and Jewish tradition) and encourages the exploration of the personal meaning of each in one’s own life.
Israel ArchiTexts recognizes the complexities of Israel today and the competing narratives regarding both its establishment and conduct of affairs, and is committed to dealing with these issues openly, honestly, and responsibly while steadfastly committed to the fundamental right of the Jewish people to a homeland of its own.
Israel ArchiTexts champions the collective responsibility of the Jewish people to fashion Israel as an exemplary society and, believing in the capacity of the individual to impact that process, seeks to inspire and empower those we engage with to do so.
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