designing engagement with the Jewish state
evaluation, design
Perhaps it’s the initiation of a class trip to Israel. Or a synagogue family trip. Or securing parent buy-in for whatever it is you want to do in your camp or school. Or preparing your staff to actually do it - including a professional development seminar in Israel. Maybe it’s clarifying your objectives. Or designing a curriculum to meet them.
Whatever the challenges you are facing in ensuring that Israel be the vital element you want it to be in the identity formation of those in your charge, we will welcome the opportunity to engage with you in a process that will lead to an assessment of your needs and propose various ways of meeting them.
We would also be pleased to work with you in designing and implementing a seminar or conference in Israel of any length for your professional staff or lay leaders. These can combine field experiences, encounters with Israelis, meetings with public figures, interactive sessions with educators, and practical clinics in the development of instructional resources – all custom designed to meet your objectives and in accordance with the backgrounds of the participants and the time at our disposal. Our experience in organizing and designing such events includes: The First International Dialogue on the Israel Educator, From Altneuland to Tel Aviv - Herzl's Vision, Our Challenge, Rabbis Engaging with Israel, In the footsteps of Herzl, and Exploring the Challenges of Israel Education. While we are not a licensed tour operator or events planner, we will be pleased to liaise with those who are in order to facilitate the event at the highest professional level.